
标题: Nike Air Max 1 Pas Cher PUMA Puma new CEO will officially take office in July [打印本页]

作者: dsagdfsg6a    时间: 2014-8-26 17:21
标题: Nike Air Max 1 Pas Cher PUMA Puma new CEO will officially take office in July
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[China shoe brand dynamic] Puma new CEO Bj&ouml,Louis Vuitton Outlet Online Store; RN Gulden will officially go to take office in July 1st,bred 11s for sale. But he has already begun to assist Jean-Franç OIS Palus management related business.

Jean-Franç OIS Palus
for the open cloud group, a pressing matter of the moment is to formulate new strategies Puma brand as soon as possible, so as to reverse the declining trend in its turnover.
actually, in Bjö RN Gulden before arrival, companies have launched in a certain extent, this new strategy. And accept the CEO with this new strategy will also naturally he joined one of the company's condition. In May 9th,nike blazer pas cher femme, Jean-Franç OIS Palus told us from the Bordeaux football team at the New Jersey issued ceremony. This activity also shows that the cloud group on Sport Performance (performance) fields,nike air max pas cher, for which its business scale is small, but is the foundation of brand recovery.
the development direction and in Puma over the past few decades almost the full development of Lifestyle (way of life), the latter is the key to the success of the brand in the past.
in addition to the new CEO,air max pas cher, Puma company recently also change,Louis Vuitton Outlet Online, the new logistics director, marketing director, design director will be in the next few months will join.
Performance and Lifestyle Sport to better distinguish, Puma the store concept reconstruction. Brand began in January launched a new concept store test in Osaka japan. The idea is to subdivide the market a clear distinction between the two. For example, in Osaka in the store, a building is the Lifestyle product, the two floor is Sport Performance products.
Jean-Franç OIS Palus said,jordan 11 low for sale, is likely to be introduced exclusively sell Lifestyle or Sport Performance products stores are the future.
Sport Performance market currently accounts for 35% of the company's business to 40%. But the brand is not to blindly pursue to improve this ratio to decrease in the proportion of Lifestyle, is the Sport Performance image to Lifestyle. To this end,bred 11s for sale, the company in product innovation, support policy and advertising have adopted corresponding measures.
for example Puma in February launched a new Mobi&gt,montre pas cher;

作者: 美丽的女人    时间: 2015-3-27 08:52
a company recently also change,Louis Vuitton Outlet Online, the new logistics director, marketing director, design director will be in the next few months will join.
Performance and Lifestyle Sport to better distinguish, Puma the store concept reconstruction. Brand began in January launched a new concept store test in Osaka japan. The idea is to subdivide the market a clear distinction between the two. For example, in Osaka in the store, a building is the Lifestyle product, the two floor is Sport Performance produc

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